Letters to the Crocadile God

Letters to the Crocadile God

A great find of documents.


- Scan Reveals Crocodile Mummy Contents
Copenhagen Post With photos. Scan reveals surprise content of museum’s crocodile mummy The Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek museum made an exciting find this week. The museum, in conjunction with the Faculty of Life Sciences at the University of Copenhagen, scanned...

- Sahara Journal 2007
http://www.saharajournal.com/current/issue.html#Top_of_Page The Contents for Volume 18 (May 2007) of the journal Sahara are now on the above page, with abstracts. The papers focus on the archaeology and rock art of northern Africa, and are written in...

- Archaeology Magazine - September/october 2006
http://www.archaeology.org/curiss/index.htmlSee the above address for a full list of contents of the latest issue of Archaeology magazine. Below are two items that might be of particular interest. The magazine is leading with a feature entitled Archaeology:...

- Journal Of African Archaeology
http://www.african-archaeology.de/vol3(2).html The contents and abstracts for the Journal of African Archaeology Vol. 3 (2) 2005 are available online at the above address. Two articles relevant to Egypt are featured: B. Eichhorn, S. Hendrickx, H. Riemer...

- Recent Issue Of Archaeology Magazine
http://www.archaeology.org/curiss/index.html The main contents are listed at this link - see below for links to specific features. http://www.archaeology.org/0505/abstracts/tanis.html The latest issue of Archaeology Magazine has a feature (both in the...

