Liverpool Exhibition

Liverpool Exhibition

The exhibition in Liverpool will feature the famous Ramses III girdle/belt as well as a beautiful white new kingdom coffin, up till this time I had believed that the badly damaged coffin trough of the Lady Tay in Bristol was the only one in the U.K. I was mistaken

- Rare Egyptian Coffin Identified In Torquay Museum
BBC News With photos. A coffin on display at a museum in Devon is a rare 3,500-year-old Egyptian sarcophagus, it has emerged. Torquay Museum were unaware of the coffin's significance until an expert from Bristol University identified it as one of...

- Liverpool Museum Uncovers Child Mummy
Huliq News Liverpool Museum unveils child mummy as part of it's newest items exhibited online. The mummy of a young boy of about two years old, elaborately wrapped in a series of narrow linen bandages. When excavated by Professor Flinders Petrie in...

- Ancient Egyptworld Museum Liverpool
ECHOAncient Egypt is the latest treasure trove to open in the ever-expanding World Museum Liverpool. As revealed in the ECHO last month one of its priceless exhibits is the vividly coloured girdle of the last great pharaoh, Rameses the Third, now to be...

- Mummy Gets Her Name
  Here we have the Perth Museums mummy acquired by the museum in 1936 and believed to come from ancient Egypt's 25th-26th dynasties. The lady named on the lid has the name of Takherheb and is in very nice condition. The mummy and coffin are...

- Wv 22?
I have noticed on a number of sites that one of the mummies recently studied by Dr. Hawass has been given the designation of WV 22. The mummy in question was found in the Valley of kings in KV 35 in a side chamber with an inscription identifying it as...

