London in the grip of archaeological fever

London in the grip of archaeological fever

Times Online (Dalya Alberge and Yepoka Yeebo)

It is really good to see that archaeology, even in the form of blockbuster exhibitions, still has the power to move people. At the moment London has two archaeological exhibitions which are drawing people from far and wide, generating queues, and leaving online ticket purchasers with the prospect of purchasing tickets for timeslots which aren't available for a couple of months.

It is several thousand years since they were in their prime but, like ageing rockers on a comeback tour, they can certainly pull in the crowds.

London is in the grip of a fever for all things archaeological, with the opening of exhibitions devoted to the two greatest archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. A combined total of nearly a million tickets have already been sold for the arrival of soldiers from the Terracotta Army and the adornments of the Egyptian Boy King Tutankhamun.

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