Loss of Curators' Power

Loss of Curators' Power

http://tinyurl.com/rw28c (nytimes.com)
Thanks to the EEF News Digest for the following. A two-page article looking at how the Brooklyn Museum has restructured its management teams to raise efficiencies: "The Brooklyn Museum, which built a sleek new glass entrance two years ago and is trying to reinvent itself after years of declining attendance, is planning a shakeup of its staff that has angered several curators and drawn criticism from other museums. Beginning next month, the museum will do away with traditional departments like Egyptian art, African art and European painting and instead create two "teams," one for collections and one for exhibitions. Arnold L. Lehman, the museum's director, said in an interview that the changes were intended to make the museum's relatively small curatorial staff more efficient and to encourage curators to exchange ideas more freely."
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