Luxor News

Luxor News
Jane Akshar has been updating her blog with the latest news from Luxor. Archaeologists are beginning to return to the West Bank, the lecture series at the Mummification Museum is scheduled to start in late October (and will be reported on by Jane), and improvements to both Karnak and Luxor temples are ongoing. Keep an eye on Jane's blog for updates.

- Discoveries And Restoration At Karnak
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) At Karnak a new Ptolemaic bath house has been discovered. Jane says that there will be a lecture about it at the Mummification Museum in the next few weeks, so hopefully she will be able to report on it for us. Jane has also...

- Mummification Museum Lecture - Chicago House Report - Ray Johnson Thanks very much to Jane Akshar for her lecture notes from the last of the season's lectures at Luxor's Mummification Museum, which is a progress report about the methods and activities of the Chicago...

- Lecture Series At Luxor Mummification Museum very much to Jane Akshar and her Luxor News Blog for the information that the Luxor Mummification Museum has announced its new lecture series, now being held on a Sunday, and kicking off with an update...

- Luxor News
Some news items by Jane Akshar on her Luxor News Blog The Temple of Mut First, Jane has been lucky enough to visit the Temple of Mut, next to Karnak, where excavations...

- News From Luxor Akshar has updated her blog with some new updates from Luxor, where she lives and works, including a posting about the new entrance to the Ramesseum and a follow up to Edwin Brock's lecture about the work...

