Luxor News

Luxor News
Jane Akshar has been busy on her Luxor News blog, above, with postings including:

- Excavations At The Madrasa Area Near Karnak Jane Akshar's has posted some good photographs of the excavation at Madrasa on her Luxor News Blog: "If you remember Mansour Boraiks lecture about the SCA excavations

- Mummification Museum Lecture - Chicago House Report - Ray Johnson Thanks very much to Jane Akshar for her lecture notes from the last of the season's lectures at Luxor's Mummification Museum, which is a progress report about the methods and activities of the Chicago...

- Luxor News Jane Akshar has been updating her blog, as usual, with some excellent information about current activities in Luxor. See the following web pages: Mummification Museum Lecture - Marriage Stele of Ramses II - Charles...

- Luxor News
Some news items by Jane Akshar on her Luxor News Blog The Temple of Mut First, Jane has been lucky enough to visit the Temple of Mut, next to Karnak, where excavations...

- Mortuary Temple Of Amenhotep Ii Jane's been busy again: "There was furious activity at the temple of Amenhotep II the other day. This a mud brick temple situated next to the Ramasseum. According to the sign it is the Italian Archaeological...

