Mark Vygus - Dictionary of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs
A member of the GlyphStudy group, Mark Vygus, offered the latest version of his Ancient Egyptian Dictionary for us to download in csv or PDF formats. I asked him if he would mind if I posted the PDF version of the dictionary on a web page so that others could view it online and he gave me the go-ahead.
There are 602 pages of it, with 17,300 entries. Some Late Period words and spellings are now included. This is a super and amazing resource - quite remarkable. Sincere thanks to Mark for being so generous for sharing this exceptional piece of work.
You will need broadband for it to load speedily - it is a big file and probably not suitable for dial-up unless you have time on your hands.
All the PDF functionality works as you would expect, and to get the best out of it change the page view to 100%.
There's a better version of it at:
New Version Of The Hieroglyph Dictionary By Mark Vygus
Pyramid Texts Online Thanks to Mark Vygus for letting me know that the newest version of his hieroglyph dictionary is now available on the above page, with another 120 pages since the last update providing a total of 40,000 entries. The Dictionary...
Latest Hieroglyph Dictionary Released By Mark Vygus
Pyramid Texts Online Vincent Brown has posted the latest update to Mark's dictionary on the above page. Mark has added another 50 pages. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...
The New Dictionary From Mark Vygus
Pyramid Texts Online (links page) Pyramid Texts Online (PDF) Thanks very much to Rhio Barnhart for letting me know that Mark Vygus has released the latest version of his hieroglyph dictionary and that it is available on the above pages (if you go to the...
New Hieroword Dictionary
Thanks to Luca Brigatti from the GlyphStudy group for letting us know that he has upload the new dictionary by Mark Vygus as well as Hieroword 3.4.7. Hieroword 3.4.7 accepts dictionaries of up to 50,000 definitions and therefore you will need it if you...
The Glyphstudy Open-source Projects Group Announces Its Grand Opening The GOSP announced its formal opening today. Here is the press release: The GlyphStudy Open-Source Projects (GOSP) Group is an association of software developers, Ancient Egyptian educators, students, and scholars of various...