Mastaba D64 on Osirisnet

Mastaba D64 on Osirisnet
Thanks to Thierry Benderitter for the information that Osirisnet has het again been updated with some excellent new pages: For the first time in a hundred years, there is a full coverage of the whole D64 mastaba of Akhet-hotep and Ptah-hotep, over three pages with colour photos.

- Mastaba Of Ty At Saqqara Online
OsirisNet A massive nine web pages dedicated to the tomb of Ty in Saqqara, with photos, illustrations, site maps, and some great descriptions and explanations. After several months of work, we can finally present to you, on OsirisNet, a complete description...

- Help Requested From Osirisnet
Osirisnet Thierry Benderitter has emailed to let newsletter subscribers know that the server hosting Osirisnet crashed a few days ago. They have done our best to restore all the data. but if you find missing pages or images, corrupted data, or dead links,...

- Osirisnet - Tt409, Tomb Of Kyky-samut Thanks to Thierry Benderitter from OsirisNet for the news that the web pages for the tomb of Kyky-Samut (TT409) have been entirely re written and considerably increased. The text is only in French...

- Osirisnet Mastaba Of Niakhkhnum And Khnumhotep Updated ( to Thierry Benderitter for letting me know that after three months of hard work, the excellent Osirisnet website has been updated with complete details about the Saqqara mastaba of Niakhkhnum and Khnumhotep....

- Mastaba Of Kagemni On Osirisnet Thanks to Thierry Benderitter for the information that the mastaba of Kagemni has been entirely rewritten on the OsirisNet website. The hieroglyphic text has not yet been added to the pages, but...

