Mastaba of Nikauisesi now on OsirisNet

Mastaba of Nikauisesi now on OsirisNet


From Thierry Benderitter:

We present to you today on OsirisNet the mastaba of Nikauisesi in Saqqara, which dates from the beginning of 6th Dynasty. Discovered quite recently (1979) it si now open to the public. In this monument, a good part of its original decoration is well preserved.

The site of the monument has been defined as belonging to the period of the occupation of the cemetery of Teti, early in the reign. Subsequently, it would had as neighbours Kagemni, the rear of whose gigantic mastaba is opposite Nikauisesi's entry, and Mereruka.

The mastaba includes five chambers, of which four are decorated, the serdab and an interior courtyard which gives access to a staircase which leads to the roof.


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