Meet the Curators: Josef Wegner

Meet the Curators: Josef Wegner
A profile of Josef Wegner, Associate Curator of the Egyptian Section of the University of Pennsylvania's Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology, who works on the Late Middle Kingdom period in South Abydos: "The main components of the project include a state-planned town site and the royal funerary complex (temple and tomb) of Senwosret III". See the full 2-page PDF for more about Wegner's work at Abydos. There are photos, but the quality of them is quite poor. The article is part of the museum's magazine Expedition, details of which can be found at:

- Recent Finds From Abydos
WAMC  Radio recording (audio file) In today’s Academic Minute, Dr. Mary-Ann Pouls Wegner of the University of Toronto reveals some recent finds from an archaeological excavation in Abydos, Egypt. Mary-Ann Pouls Wegner is Assistant Professor of...

- Expedition Magazine - Prehistoric Abydos
Expedition Magazine Not available online, I'm afraid, but there's an article in the most recent edition of UPenn's Expedition Magazine (Volume 50, Number 3, Winter 2008) about Abydos: Prehistoric Abydos--Africa's Gateway to the World Harold...

- Exhibition: Ancient Egypt's City In The Sun Exhibition At Penn Museum
Suite101 (Stan Parchin) Stan Parchin introduces the exhibition, offers background history to the Amarna period, and details about its organization and contents. The review is accompanied by photographs. More than 100 works of art and objects from the...

- Howard Carter - The Right Archaeologist At The Right Time ( I am sure that most people know Howard Carter's biography fairly well, but it is nice to see him being remembered in the context of the Tutankhamun exhibition: "Howard Carter was a man who had a talent for being...

- The Lost Dynasty Of Abydos
Here is another article on the recent discovery of Second intermediate period tombs of two kings, one unknown but of who's damaged name may be on the mutilated "Kings list" in the Turin museum, Italy. The article comes with a number of new pictures...

