Meketre Project

Meketre Project

MEKETRE is an interdisciplinary research project, conducted at the Institute of Egyptology in cooperation with the research group Multimedia Information Systems at the University of Vienna. The project is funded by the Austrian Science Fund ( FWF) and bears the project number P21571.

MEKETRE focuses on two main goals:
  • It seeks to systematically collect, research, and study the reliefs and paintings of Middle Kingdom tombs of Ancient Egypt. The project targets two- dimensional art of the Middle Kingdom (11th to 13th Dynasty, ca. 2040 - 1640 B.C.) and one of its main aims is to map and elaborate the development of the scenes and their content in comparison to the Old Kingdom.
  • The project's technical part covers the research-based development of the MEKETREpository, a specialised software solution that supports the assessment, organisation and analysis of the collected material and bibliographic metadata. It supports the collaborative development of ontologies and collaborative annotation on the available media material.  The copyright of the database will remain with the Institute of Egyptology, University Vienna, which means that this institution is entitled to host and develop it. In a further step it is planned to make the repository accessible to scholars, teachers and students worldwide, thus giving an easy access to updated information about scenes and scene details in Middle Kingdom tombs.

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