

The University of Chicago magazine has an excellent interactive piece on the mummy of Meresamun. Outstanding!

- Reconstructing The Face Of Meresamun
Archaeology Magazine (Eti Bonn-Muller) With photographs/illustrations She was more than just a pretty face. The ancient Egyptian Meresamun, who lived around 800 B.C., was a working girl, a priestess-musician who served Amun, the preeminent deity of Thebes....

- Video: Meresamun
Discovery News See the above page for the video. The face of Meresamun, a priestess who sang in the temples of Ancient Egypt hundreds of years before the birth of Christ, has been revealed to the world for the first time thanks to a X-ray with a light...

- Special Online Feature: Priestess Of Amun
Archaeology Magazine (Eti Bonn-Muller) There is a great online feature about Meresamun on the Archaeology Magazine website. See the above page for a number of different sections which look at different aspects of Meresamun. ARCHAEOLOGY's March/April...

- Life And Death Of A Temple Singer
Meresamun is today a star in the world of Egyptian mummies a place she could never had imagined she would be 2800 years on.

- The Temple Singer
The wonderful Oriental Institute in Chicago is holding an exhibition on the mummy called Meresamun who lived during Egypt's 22nd dynasty around 800bc.

