Michel Barsoum Great Pyramid construction theory

Michel Barsoum Great Pyramid construction theory

Thanks very much to Kat Newkirk for sending me these links.

A summary of Michel Barsoum's research into whether or not a form of concrete was used in the construction of the Great Pyramid has been posted at the above address. Barsoum is a Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Drexel University.

Lecture: Engineering New Frontiers
http://tinyurl.com/2ujkz3 (media.irt.drexel.edu)
You will find a video of a lecture delivered at Drexel University, accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation, by Michel Barsoum. The lecture is enitled The Surprising Truth Behind the Construction of the Great Pyramids. The lecture originally aired on the 23rd February 2007 and it lasts for around an hour and 20 minutes. As with so many real-life presentations, Barsoum is plagued by a few technical problems at the beginning, but he then presents his theories about how the Great Pyramid was built. The PowerPoint changes automatically as the video proceeds - it's a rather nice use of the Web to communicate conventionally presented information.

Barsoum's own website can be found at:


"Professor Michel Barsoum, Distinguished Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Drexel University, and colleagues have found scientific evidence that parts of the Great Pyramids of Giza were built using an early form of concrete, debunking an age old myth that they were built using only cut limestone blocks."

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