Middle Kingdom Site Discovered

Middle Kingdom Site Discovered

Dr. Hawass announced the discovery of a site containing middle kingdom remains.


- New Tomb At Deir Al-barsha Casts New Light On The Middle Kingdom
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) The discovery of a Middle Kingdom burial of a member of the family of the Deir Al-Barsha governor has given Egyptologists some unique information on the scenario in which the ancient Egyptians conducted their funerary...

- Photo For Today - The Temple Of Tod
The Temple of Tod originally had a short avenue of sphinxes that lead to a quay (shown in the previous photo). There are signs that an Old Kingdom temple may have been built here, and remains of the Middle Kingdom temple survive, with later additions...

- New Discovery Of A Middle Kingdom Tomb At Saqqara?
Typically Spanish Thanks to Kat for pointing this out to me. A short report on the above website about a Treaty of Cooperation between Spain and Egypt mentions that the Queen of Spain, Dona Sofia, wasshown around Saqqara by Zahi Hawass, who pointed out...

- Discoveries At Karnak
Egyptian Gazette (story on this URL will expire shortly) Zahi Hawass, Egypt's archaeology supremo, yesterday announced the discovery of the remains of a 4,000-year-old dam near the Karnak Temple in Luxor. Located a few metres from the ancient temple,...

- Another Dna Lab From Discovery

