Minufiyeh survey 2012

Minufiyeh survey 2012

EES Minufiyeh Survey (Jo Rowland)

Jo Rowland and her team are back in Minufiyeh in the Delta and are already hard at work excavating where they left off last year.

Today was the start of the excavation at Quesna.  Our team of local workers were waiting for us when we arrived with our inspector at 7.30am. We will work with the workers until 1.00pm every day, and then we stay at the site until 3pm, to catch up on drawings, photographs and the filling in of recording forms, all vital aspects of our work. We were returning to Trench 9, which was the main focus for training during the field school of autumn last year. We are a much smaller team this time, but already on our first morning we have uncovered a number of new burials within this Ptolemaic-Roman cemetery, as well as re-defining features that had started to appear at the end of the last season.

- Minufiyeh Survey Excavating At Ptolemaic Cemetery
Minufiyeh Survey (Joanne Rowland) With photos. Work continued at a good pace in T9, the trench investigating the northern extent of the main part of the Ptolemaic (and possibly Early Roman) cemetery. More information will become available after Friday...

- Return To Minufiyeh
Egypt Explorati0n Society The Society's expedition to Minufiyeh Governorate in the Nile Delta, direct by Dr Joanne Rowland of the Free University, Berlin, will be resuming work next week, with a survey at the desert-fringe site of Khatabtah. This...

- Ees Minufiyeh Survey
EES Minufiyeh Survey (Joanne Rowland) Jo is back in the Minufiyeh district of the Delta reporting on the long term project to survey the area. See the above page for all her posts to date. Wednesday 23rd March Today was the first real day of survey work...

- Finishing Up At Minufiyeh
EES Minufiyeh Survey (Jo Rowland) With photos Work in the field finished on Wednesday with a final burrima (drill core) at Kom el-Ahmar. Both Thursday and Friday have been spent writing the report for the end of the season as well as preparing papers...

- Recent Work In Minufiyeh
Egypt Exploration Society The Minufiyeh Archaeological Survey, directed by Dr Joanne Rowland, is part of the Society’s Delta Survey (http://www.ees.ac.uk/deltasurvey/dsintro.html), and has recently completed its fourth season of work in the central...

