Minufiyeh survey comes to a close

Minufiyeh survey comes to a close

EES Minufiyeh Survey (Joanne Rowlands)

The season drew to a close on 7 April and, as always, the last few days of work were hectic, and included report writing, and packing up things in the flat in Shibin and returning everything to the storage facility. On 5 April, we spent the day with Ashraf Senussi, looking at the ceramics from this season and then making photographs of all of the diagnostic sherds that have been drawn. Ashraf chooses one of each type of vessel to describe in detail, analyse and draw and then he will list the number of other occurrences of the same type.

- Minufiyeh Survey Excavating At Ptolemaic Cemetery
Minufiyeh Survey (Joanne Rowland) With photos. Work continued at a good pace in T9, the trench investigating the northern extent of the main part of the Ptolemaic (and possibly Early Roman) cemetery. More information will become available after Friday...

- Return To Minufiyeh
Egypt Explorati0n Society The Society's expedition to Minufiyeh Governorate in the Nile Delta, direct by Dr Joanne Rowland of the Free University, Berlin, will be resuming work next week, with a survey at the desert-fringe site of Khatabtah. This...

- Finishing Up At Minufiyeh
EES Minufiyeh Survey (Jo Rowland) With photos Work in the field finished on Wednesday with a final burrima (drill core) at Kom el-Ahmar. Both Thursday and Friday have been spent writing the report for the end of the season as well as preparing papers...

- Jo's Back! Minufiyeh Starts Again
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- Recent Work In Minufiyeh
Egypt Exploration Society The Minufiyeh Archaeological Survey, directed by Dr Joanne Rowland, is part of the Society’s Delta Survey (http://www.ees.ac.uk/deltasurvey/dsintro.html), and has recently completed its fourth season of work in the central...

