Misplaced Museum

Misplaced Museum

Article on the Al Ahram Weekly site about why the Nubia Museum is visited so infrequently by tourists: "The loss of Nubia was one of the world's great tragedies. Not only did it mean the inundation of an entire land and the loss of its ancient monuments, but it uprooted an entire population from its native soil. Nubia was one of the few places remaining on earth that was unspoiled by humanity. It was a harsh and barren land to be sure, but it was one to which the people had, and indeed have until today, a strong attachment. That is why Nubians -- especially if accompanied by aged parents or grandparents who still remember the beautiful austere land in which they once dwelt -- visit the museum and come away with a sense of pride. Their self-esteem is stretched by this contact with the past. Yet, ironically, while cruises ply Lake Nasser and conduct visitors to ancient temples like those at Abu Simbel, Wadi Al-Sebua, Qasr Ibrim and others in Nubia, travel agents do not make it easy for clients to visit the museum, even though it would bring their cruise experience to life in its revelation of the ancient cultures of the lost land. And as far as Nile cruises are concerned, although they either start or end in Aswan this beautiful museum is too often bypassed".

- Minerva May/june 2011
Minerva Thanks to Jack Edwards for pointing out that there is an exerpt from the article "Pharaohs of Nubia," which appears in the print version of Minerva magazine. It is accompanied by five excellent photographs. Northern Sudan is a place of immense...

- Kerma - Mission Archéologique Suisse Au Soudan
Kerma.ch Thanks again to AWOL for the link above for updates to the Kerma.ch project. In the list of publications on the site many are in PDF format. Here's the site's summary of the project. Still today, Nubia is synonymous with a mysterious...

- 50th Anniversary Of The Nubia Campaign
UNESCO If you have the opportunity to visit the Nubia Museum in Aswan do be sure not miss the ground floor exhibit of photographs which were taken during the rescue operation. They are quite remarkable and show not only the temples before and during rescue,...

- Travel: Egyptian Passage
canada.com (Peter Wilson) For those wanting a quieter stretch of Nile cruising, a three- or four-night cruise on Lake Nasser is the perfect way to discover the wonders of ancient Egypt. The world's largest man-made lake, Lake Nasser was formed by...

- Nubian Monuments In The Past And Present
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2004/691/heritage.htm When Lake Nasser was created, many Nubian monuments were rescued. Others were lost beneath the waters created by the new Aswan Dam. This Al Ahram Weekly article discusses both the prehistory and history...

