Modern Technology Reveals Mummy's Past

Modern Technology Reveals Mummy's Past
"Charles F. Hildebolt, right, a dentist and anthropologist with the Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology at Washington University, talks about the research he helped conduct on a baby mummy as it sits on display at the St. Louis Science Center, Thursday, March 15, 2007, in St. Louis. The mummy was donated to the Science Center in 1985 after it was acquired in the Middle East by a Missouri dentist in the early 1900s. Little is known about the mummy, but researchers believe it to be a boy who died at about seven to eight months old about 2,000 years ago. The baby mummy had a European mom, and likely came from a wealthy family. But where he lived and why he died - and at such a young age - remain a mystery. The mummy, exhibited for the first time Thursday at the Saint Louis Science Center, has been the year-long focus of an international team of investigators. The museum said it may be the most extensive research project ever undertaken on a child mummy."
See the above page for the full story.

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