Modern technology to repair Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara

Modern technology to repair Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara

Past Horizons

The 1992 earthquake resulted in the partial collapse of the burial chamber ceiling and raised the very real prospect of the pyramid’s entire central chamber completely failing without intervention.

To support the partial collapse of the damaged ceiling, Cintec are using a technology known as Waterwall, which consists of self-inflating water-filled bags to temporarily secure the damaged ceiling to allow time for the permanent repair of the Step Pyramid.

The structural repair and reinforcement company was appointed to the project after proving its credentials in preserving historical landmarks across the world.

The company has maintained structures including Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle in the United Kingdom and The White House in Washington DC, United States. In Egypt it has helped stabilise many other monuments, including the Al Ghuri Mosque in Cairo, The Red Pyramid of Senefru and the Hibis Temple at El-Kha

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