Mohammed's Old Gurna Home

Mohammed's Old Gurna Home
Many thanks to Ingeborg Waanders for the above video link on You Tube. It consists of footage of the house of one of Qurna's residents, in use by his family, and views of other areas of Qurna too. Due to poor lighting conditions it is not always easy to see what you're looking at, at the start of the video. The footage lasts for just under 10 minutes, and if you've evern wanted to know what Jane Akshar looks and sounds like, you will find her here a couple of times from about 4 minutes onwards! There is no accompanying commentary, but there is a musical feed that runs throughout. The view one gets is of a rather battered and untidy, but colourful and attractive place. The fact that Mohammed apparently used to live in one of the tombs (which used to have a doorbell) gives you a good insight into why the authorities wanted the villagers to move away, but it also highlights how difficult it must be to adapt to life in an apartment block with no provision for animals.

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