Momentous new finds

Momentous new finds

Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref)

A good round up of the two most recent discoveries.

A colossal head of Tutankhamun's grandfather in Luxor and the burial chamber of Queen Behenu of the Sixth Dynasty in Saqqara are the latest antiquities discovered in Egypt, reports Nevine El-Aref

- Looking Back At 2010
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) Identifying Tutankhamun's lineage, retrieving the gospel of Judas, unearthing the cachette of Amenhotep III's statues in Luxor, the issuance of a new antiquities law and celebrations for the centennial of the...

- More Re Avenue Of Sphinxes Discoveries
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El Aref) TWELVE sphinx statues from the reign of the 30th- Dynasty Pharaoh Nectanebo I were unearthed last week in Luxor, reports Nevine El-Aref. Archaeologists have unearthed a set of 12 limestone sphinx statues near the road...

- Queen Behenu's Burial Chamber Discovered At Saqqara
Heritage Key (Ann Wuyts) With photos. A French archaeological team digging at Saqqara has discovered the burial chamber of 6th Dynasty Queen Behenu, wife of either Pepi I or Pepi II. The burial chamber was revealed while the team was cleaning the sand...

- More Re Lahun Finds
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) A short summary of the recent finds made near Lahun. It took a couple of minutes for this page to load, but I left it to its own devices and it got there in the end. A large necropolis of 53 rock-hewn tombs of various...

- Buried Treasure El Aref summarizes the recent finds at Saqqara. There's nothing new in here, although it is a useful round-up of the information, but there are three rather nice photographs of the wooden statues...

