More about new finds in Dakhleh

More about new finds in Dakhleh
Thanks to David Meadows's "Explorator" newsletter for the following item:

"Un equipo de investigadores descubrió en el oasis egipcio de Dajla una serie de dibujos en las rocas realizados por habitantes del lugar en la época prehistórica, informa hoy el periódico "Al Akhbar". Las escenas muestran a mujeres con largas faldas y hombres con palos en las manos que guían a grupos de jirafas. Además, los científicos encontraron los restos de un tiburón. Se cree que en el oasis ubicado 400 kilómetros al oeste de Luxor había un gran lago. En Dajla se encontraron ya en el pasado dibujos del neolítico que indican que en torno al lago vivían elefantes, búfalos y avestruces".

This is a rough summary of the above (but don't shoot me if it's not exact): Investigtations in Dakhleh Oasis have discovered a set of prehistoric images in the rocks in the Al Akhbar style. The scenes show women in long skirts and men holding staffs/poles which are guiding a group of giraffes. What is more, the scientists found the remains of a shark. It is belived that in the Dakhleh oasis, 400km to the west of Luxor, there was a vast lake. The images found from the Neolithic indicate that elephant, buffalo and ostrichs may have lived around the lake.

- Online: Treasures Of Dakhleh Oasis
Leiden University Open Access     An exhibition on the occasion of the Fifth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project Informative 40-page PDF with some lovely photographs. Foreword Dakhleh, the “inner” of the oases...

- Book Review: Vernacular Mud Brick Architecture In The Dakhleh Oasis
PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 7(3) (2010) Nicholas Warner about Schijns, W. With contributions from O. Kaper & J. Kila. 2008. Vernacular Mud Brick Architecture in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt and the Design of the Dakhleh Oasis...

- Dakhleh Oasis Project - Dr. Peter Sheldrick
The Chatham Daily News (Bob Boughner) A semi-retired Chatham physician, who is helping unearth Egypt's past, is featured in a television documentary airing tonight. . . . The Chatham native is scheduled to return to Egypt later this week to resume...

- Magazine: Current World Archaeology 21 "What was life like in an Egyptian oasis? The Dakhleh oasis is huge - today it is home to some 70,000 people - and the Dakhleh Oasis Project has been charting the environmental background throughout...

- Desert Origins Of The Pharaohs ( Detailed article (10 pages of A4 when printed) about the importance of Dakhleh Oasis in the prehistoric period: "The Western Desert of Egypt, near the Dakhleh Oasis, appears to be one of the most uninhabitable...

