More about the Reisner papyri at Berkeley

More about the Reisner papyri at Berkeley
There is a video report aout the Reisner papyri on the above page (preceded by an irritating but very brief advert). The text from the video is also shown on the above page. "They've arrived -- ancient papyri from an Egyptian excavation conducted for U.C. Berkeley more than a century ago. The documents are on campus today after a long journey worthy of a mystery novel. Some of it, 4,000 years old. The papyri was excavated by archaeologist George A. Reisner, who was devoted to distraction.
Some academic presentations are more elaborate than others. With that in mind, one should not discount the importance of this one at U.C. Berkeley's Morrison Library. It was 105 years in the making. "
See the above page for the full story.

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