More about Tutankhamun visit to London UK

More about Tutankhamun visit to London UK (
"Tutankhamun And The Golden Age Of The Pharaohs will open in a new, 60,000 sq ft exhibition centre at O2, the £500 million venue inside what used to be the Millennium Dome, in November. It will showcase 130 Egyptian treasures, all between 3,000 and 3,500 years old and including 50 from the tomb of Tutankhamun.
There had been fears the exhibition would be canned after the Greenwich site lost out to Manchester in the race for the first supercasino. But Anschutz Entertainment Group, the company behind the O2, confirmed today that it is pressing ahead with the display."
See the above page for full details.

In addition, thanks very much to Bob Partridge (Editor "Ancient Egypt" magazine) for the information that there is a meeting planned in London for March 12th 2007. This will be a formal Press Briefing to officially 'unveil' the detailed plans for the exhibition. Attendees are expected to include the Egyptian Ambassador and some special invited guests and representatives from the Egyptian S.C.A..

- Exhibition: More Re Tutankhamun In London"The Tutankhamun exhibition opening at the Dome (now renamed the O2) on 15 November could transform the UK exhibition scene. Over 2m visitors are expected for the Egyptian treasures which will remain...

- Exhibition: Tutankhamun In London
Thanks very much to Bob Partridge, Editor of Ancient Egypt magazine for the following: A meeting special meeting was held at the Dome in Greenwich on Monday 12th March to the forthcoming “Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs” exhibition....

- Failed Bid For Casino Threatens Uk Visit Of Tutankhamun"Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) of Los Angeles, The O2's developer and owner, also may challenge the awarding of the license to the English city of Manchester, according to...

- Potential Problem With Tutankhamun London Visit,,2087-2261991,00.htmlAn article about the troubled UK deputy prime minisiter, John Prescott, which mentions in passing a possible threat to the London visit in 2007 of the Tutankhamun exhibition, which is supposed...

- Tutankhamun In London article on the BBC website about the Millennium Dome, which mentions the planned London leg of the Tutankhamun exhibition: "It is thought that the Dome will house a Tutankhamun and the Golden Age...

