More on Helwan

More on Helwan
More information about the Australian Mission's discovery of new tombs at Helwan

- Australians Celebrate 25 Years Of Work In Egypt
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) Over the past year the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square has hosted several archaeological exhibitions commemorating the anniversaries of excavation work carried out by foreign archaeological institutes and missions all...

- Prehistoric Tombs In Sinai is a frustratingly brief piece, but I will try to find some more information: "An archaeological mission belonging to the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) announced the discovery of 36 tombs...

- Helwan Necropolis Attracts Egyptologists Terribly threatened by urban expansion, the immensely important site of Helwan continues to be the subject of study by Salima Ikram and her team under the direction...

- Melbourne Museum Exhibition"The exhibition Mummies: Ancient Egypt and the Afterlife will run at the Melbourne Museum in Carlton from Friday week to October...

- The World's Oldest Dam Musings on a 3rd or 4th Dynasty Dam, Sadd Al-Kafara, some 25 kilometres south of Cairo, to the east of Helwan, which was destroyed by rain soon after completion. This is a piece of popular narrative journalism,...

