More on Medieval Arab Scholars re Cleopatra

More on Medieval Arab Scholars re Cleopatra
I posted about this on November 9th, when Radio Netherlands published an article on the subject at Okasha el Daly's work identified that Medieval Arabic scholars came to a number of extremely astute conclusions about ancient Egypt. This Discovery Channel further discusses the fact that the medieval writers concerned described Cleopatra in terms of her intellectual achievements, admiring her for her work in mathematics, science and philosophy. The article adds that Okasha's new book is coming out soon, describing his findings in detail. "Egyptology: The Missing Millennium, Ancient Egypt in Medieval Arabic Writings," will be published in January by the University College London Press.

- Book Review: Making Cairo Medieval
CairObserver (Reviewed by Seif El Rashidi, Aga Khan Cultural Services, Egypt) Nezar AlSayyad, Irene Bierman, Nasser Rabbat, eds. Making Cairo Medieval. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2005. vi + 266 pp. $83.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-7391-0915-1; $29.95 (paper),...

- Faiyum Tax Register A.d.1245
Rural Society in Medieval Islam The ‘History of the Fayyum’ is a unique tax register, in Arabic, listing revenues from 130 villages and hamlets in one Egyptian province for AD 1245. It is the most detailed tax survey to have survived from any region...

- Rosetta Stone First Translated By Mediaeval Arabic Scholars "Since 1822 it had been thought that Champollion was the first person to break the hieroglyphic code, but a recent analysis made by an Egyptian Egyptologist based in London, Okasha El-Dali, on some mediaeval...

- Cleopatra - The Virtuous Scholar Much talked about prior to its publiclation, a new book has been launched entitled "Egyptology: The Missing Millennium. Ancient Egypt in Medieval Arabic Writings" published by UCL Press. Dr Okasha...

- Arab Scholar 'cracked Rosetta Code' 800 Years Before The West,3858,5030324-102285,00.html Dr Okasha el Daly, was fealtured prominently in the Oberserver this weekend, discussing his research into early arabic research into Egypt. From the Observer website: "An expert in both...

