More on Minnesota's Mummy

More on Minnesota's Mummy

This article comes with an interesting x-ray of the mummy and more information on the mummy's health in life and style of embalming. The data points to a mummy of middle age perhaps 30-35 years old.

- Reconstruction Of The Mummy Of Pum 1
Here we have the mummy known as Pum 1 (Pennsylvania University mummy 1), the mummy was autopsied back in 1972 and from the picture the mummy appears to be in good shape. However in reality the mummy from the waist up is in many pieces and overdue for...

- Minnesota's Mummy
 A mummy acquired in 1925 by the Science Museum of Minnesota is on it's way to Children's hospital for it's date with a CT scanner. The mummy is known to have been properly mummified with the internal organs removed, except the heart...

- Mummy Of Merenre I?
Found this in the Wiki, the mummy the last time I checked it was in the Imhotep Museum though that was a few years ago? The mummy was found in the sarcophagus of that king's pyramid at Saqqara upon removing the mummy it broke into two pieces making...

- Don't Have A Bird !
Here is an article on an Egyptian mummy believed to have a bird mummy in it's abdomen however the ct scan done on the mummy suggests viscera. The article comes with 9 excellent pictures. The article suggests that the mummy is 4000 years old but the...

- Hyderabad's Mummy To Be Restored
Efforts are being made to restore a mummy in the Hyderabad museum. The article says the mummy is Old Kingdom in date but it also says that it belonged to the period of Egypt,s sixth Pharaoh which to my knowledge there is no proof of mummification in the...

