More on New 7 Wonders dispute

More on New 7 Wonders dispute
This is just a summary of the story so far, on the Al Ahram Weekly website, again seen mainly from the Egyptian point of view, although Christian Leblanc, head of the French mission at the Ramesseum Temple in Luxor, is quoted, again taking a line against the New 7 Wonders, saying that the ancient wonders are related to a specific epoch, and that it was unfair to compare them to those built in modern times with the benefit of new technologies.

- A Beacon's Rebirth
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) Can Alexandria's ancient lighthouse, considered to be one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, be rebuilt to shine as it did before? Nevine El-Aref poses the question Since its construction between 285 and 246...

- Egypt Pays No Heed To List Of New Seven Wonders Of The World ("Minister of Culture Farouk Hosni said on Monday 7/5/2007 that Egypt paid no heed to the New Seven Wonders of the World list, which removed the Giza Pyramids and gave them an honourary status. Hosni said Egypt had...

- Yet More On The New 7 Wonders ("The international committee established to choose the Seven Wonders of the World chose Pyramids to be on the top of old and modern wonders. In a letter which Minister of Culture Farouk Hosni received yesterday May...

- More Re New 7 Wonders article about the New 7 Wonders vote, the results of which will be announced on 7th July 2007: "Tia Viering, the project's spokeswoman, said Internet votes...

- 7 Wonders - Old And New An article about the New Seven Wonders of the world, the subject of the N7W Foundation, founded in the year 2000 by Swiss Bernard Weber. The old Seven Wonders included the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Statue...

