More on recent discoveries at Tell el Farkha

More on recent discoveries at Tell el Farkha (
Further to a earlier post about the discovery of another brewery at Tell el Farkha, this article repeats the details about the brewery and adds some information about hte work carrying out at the cemetery at the site: "Tell el-Farcha is also a cemetery. Polish archaeologists examined a dozen or so traditionally fitted graves. The most interesting one dates back to the beginning of the second dynasty (approximately 2,900 B.C.). It was covered with a huge brick superstructure and was relatively large, measuring nine by eight metres.
“We found over 50 clay vessels, 30 stone vessels, copper harpoons and jewellery. This is a very rich grave for the beginning of the Egyptian state” – Prof. Ciałowicz noted.
The professor suggests that somebody belonging to the contemporary elite must have been buried here. “I assume that the person was involved in fishing judging by the harpoons and possibly also in trade, judging by the vessels. This was a person who must have done various activities” – the researcher suspects."
See the above page for the full story.

For photographs of some of the more remarkable of the artefacts that have emerged from this site, see the Tell el Farkha web page on the Poznan Archaeological Museum website:

If you read Polish, the Tell el Farkha website is at:
But even if you don't, their gallery page has some great photographs on it, at:

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