More on Restorations

More on Restorations

We have another article on the damage caused to artifacts in the Cairo museum though this article seems to have a little more information on the mummies damaged.

- Egypt Antiquities Restoration Under Way
National Geographic Video showing some of the damage at the museum, restoration work in progress, and Hawass offering reassurance about the safety of museums and monuments. There is an unedited transcript to accompany the video on the above page. More...

- Egypt Fire Damages Church Of 'jesus Footprint'
Yahoo! News (via AFP) An historic church in the Nile Delta where Jesus and his family are believed to have stopped during their flight to Egypt, leaving an imprint of Christ's foot, has been damaged by fire, a security official has said. The fire...

- Restoration Of Hathor Temple At Philea
Restoration work on the small temple to Hathor on the Island of Philae is done in time for it's official inauguration. The temple is the creation of Ptolemy's VI and VII with extensions in the Roman period. The restoration has included cleaning...

- The State Of Egypt
Here is an article on the state of the artifacts damaged and stolen from the Egyptian museum. The article also talks about the state of the archaeological sites around Egypt including tombs that were broken into during the recent revolution....

- Restoring Vandalism
This article from Art Daily has a couple of interesting points on the objects damaged at the Cairo museum during the break in. The article also has a picture with good detail....

