More on Saqqara 30th Dynasty Sarcophagus

More on Saqqara 30th Dynasty Sarcophagus
"A superbly preserved 2,300-year-old mummy bearing a golden mask and covered in brightly colored images of gods and goddesses was unveiled Tuesday at Egypt's Saqqara Pyramids complex south of Cairo".
See the article for more information.

- Egypt Discovers 2,600 Year-old Mummy At Saqqara Burial Site
Google / Associated Press Inside the chamber, 22 mummies lay covered only by sand in four niches dug into the chamber's walls. Most were badly decomposed, showing only skulls and parts of skeletons, with decayed mummy wrappings. The sarcophagi were...

- Egypt Faces Obstacles In Recovering Antiquities
Associated Press More than half a century ago, a prominent Egyptian archaeologist unearthed a stunning ancient mummy mask at the Saqqara pyramids near Cairo — the golden image of a noblewoman's face.Mohammed Zakaria Ghoneim deposited the 3,200-year-old...

- Egypt Finds 4,000-year-old Doctor's Mummy "Egyptian archaeologists have discovered the funerary remains of a doctor who lived more than 4,000 years ago, including his mummy, sarcophagus and bronze surgical instruments. The upper part...

- Virtual Unwrapping Of Mummy "Before an eager audience of academics, Egyptologists, technologists and other onlookers, a 2,000-year-old girl had her official coming out party Wednesday. The crowd had gathered at SGI's Reality Center...

- The Saqqara Mummy In Pictures Photographs of the new 30th Dynasty Mummy from Saqqara....

