More on the Getty Museum ownership disputes

More on the Getty Museum ownership disputes
A news item on the LA Times website about the ongoing investigations into the acquisition of Italian artworks by the Getty Museum. "Attorneys for the J. Paul Getty Museum have determined that half the masterpieces in its antiquities collection were purchased from dealers now under investigation for allegedly selling artifacts looted from ruins in Italy". Although there is no mention of the Egyptian attempts to recover items from the museum, there are outstanding queries between the SCA and the Getty Museum about some of the Egyptian items in their collection. For the previous posting on this subject, which goes into details about the Egyptian claims, see the following URL:

- Progress Update Re The Getty ( For those keeping tabs on the various claims by governments seeking the repatriation of artefacts, here is the latest news from the Getty Museum: "The J. Paul Getty Museum has signed over to Greece ownership of...

- Getty Returns Artefacts To Greece ( those keeping up with ongoing international cases where ownership of antiquities is in dispute, the Getty has agreed to return two important pieces to Greece: "After months of intense scrutiny of its collection...

- Update Re The Getty Negotiations
Thanks to Archaeology Magazine's News section for the following links. those of you following the Getty situation, this page provides an update on the ongoing negotiations between the...

- Slow Negotiations Between Italy And The Getty ( For those of you following the important negotiations taking place, world wide, over the repatriation of items which were removed under dubious circumstances from their country of origin, there's a review...

- More Troubles At The J. Paul Getty Museum (LA Times website) Marion True, curator of the Getty, has retired following allegations about financial arrangements (the top URL), and Italian court case continues to...

