More on the Mummy Pesed

More on the Mummy Pesed
"Last week, Pesed was taken to College Fields MRI in Neshannock, Lawrence County, for a CT scan, during which computers produced images of half-millimeter-thick slices of her entire body.
The 2,500 images will allow Philadelphia forensic artist Frank Bender to sculpt the bust, a process that could take weeks . . . . Researchers have already pieced together some biographical details about the woman, who was mummified between 300 and 220 B.C. CT scans and X-rays conducted in August 2001 revealed that Pesed was a 55- to 65-year-old woman who had osteoporosis at the time of her death. They also revealed abscesses along her jaw, which could indicate that she had an infection that could have led to malnutrition or death". The scans should reveal more about an amulet hidden under the wrappings. See the article for more.

- Mummy Baby Injuries Assessed - Was It A Fall Or Foul Play?
cambridge-news (Jack Grove) Staff at Addenbrooke’s Hospital may have uncovered a 1,700-year-old murder during tests on an ancient Egyptian child mummy. Radiographers at the Cambridge hospital made the macabre discovery after they conducted X-ray scans...

- Pesed Reconstruction - With Wrinkles (IOL) "The face of a 2 300-year-old Egyptian mummy has been reconstructed as the elderly woman she was, wrinkles and all. The bust by Philadelphia forensic sculptor Frank Bender differs from most reconstructions, which typically...

- Pesed: The Latest News has been a while since the mummy Pesed has been reported upon, but this article has an update: "For more than 2,000 years, no one knew what Pesed looked like. Until Tuesday. The...

- Pesed: Peeling Back Time mummy Pesed has been mentioned more than once on this blog. She was donated in 1885 by the Reverend John Giffen, a missionary to Egypt and a Westminster graduate, to the Westminster...

- More About The Mummy Pesed,1925,KSHB_9418_3888564,00.html"Pesed is bouncing in the back of a Dodge Ram Van, much to the dismay of the young woman watching over her. The driver is lost, and they're a little late for Pesed's...

