More on the Queen Tiy statue

More on the Queen Tiy statue
A slightly longer summary of the find, than most of the smaller press releases that are being published online, quoting the expedition director Betsy Brian.
A super set of photos on the John Hopkins University Dig Diary, showing the entire statue as she was found, the columns of hieroglyphs on the back, and clear details of the cartouches on the head dress. The photos of the team with the statue give a real sense of the excitement that greated the find.

- Hopkins In Egypt Today (dig Diary) The Johns Hopkins team is back in Luxor, and their dig diary has been up and running against since June 7th 2007 at the above address. Each day's update consists mainly of a photo gallery with informative...

- Hopkins Dig Diary"Egyptologist Betsy Bryan and her crew are once again sharing their work with the world through an online diary, a digital window into day-to-day life on an archaeological dig. Starting about Friday, Jan. 19,...

- Questions About The Tiy Statue ( In this item Bryan says that the identification of the statue as Tiy may not be secure, but that it certainly represents "a major queen of Amenhotep III, which would limit the subject of the statue to Tiye, Amenhotep's...

- Queen Tiy short article on the Al Ahram website, reproduced in full here, offering a couple of new details: "A beautiful black granite statue of Queen Tiye, mother of the monotheistic king Akhnaten, was unearthed last...

- Temple Of Mut Dig Diary"Egyptologist Betsy Bryan and her crew are once again sharing their work with the world through an online diary, a digital window into day-to-day life on an archaeological dig. Starting Thursday, Jan. 5, visitors...

