More on the Sun Temple of Matariya

More on the Sun Temple of Matariya
A summary both of the recent find of the sun temple at Heliopolis, and of other discoveries in the area, plus details of a new open air museum currently under construction to display the remains of a number of tombs, including the 26th Dynasty (Saite) tomb of Panehsy: " While the mud brick chapel disappeared, the burial chamber remains intact. It is composed of a vaulted limestone room, whose frescos feature the sky goddess Nut, while beautiful vignettes and spells from the Book of the Dead decorate its walls."

Thanks very much to my ace Official Nitpicker, Chris Townsend, for pointing out that this was an old article, still featuring on the Al Ahram Weekly website, which I had already featured previously. Apologies for that! My mind must have been wandering somewhere else when I posted it.

- Graeco-roman Tombs, An Intact Coffin, Ptolemaic Coins And Whale Bones
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) This month has proved very fruitful for the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA). Three of its excavation missions, in Isamilia, Bahariya Oasis and Fayoum have all uncovered distinguished Roman treasures that reveal more...

- Visiting The Sites Of Minya A travel article looking at what the Minya area has to offer visitors, taking in the archaeology in some detail. Particular sites focused on are the 11th Dynasty tombs of Beni Hassan (with some good descriptions...

- Correction: Eternal Egypt At Science Week, Thailand Many thanks to Chris Townsend, my much-appreciated and newly designated "Official Nitpicker". As Chris points out, although the exhibit noted above, and posted about yesterday, has a lot of items originating in Japan, the Impact...

- The Largest Seated Statue Of The 19th-dynasty Pharaoh Ramses Ii So Far "The remains of a colossal seated statue of Ramses II, thought to be about 13 metres tall and weighing 700 tons, have been discovered in a shanty area of the Upper Egyptian city of Akhmim, adjacent to the open-air...

- 26th Dynasty Horus Priest Surfaces WHILE laying the foundation stone of a new mosque in the Al-Basriya area of north-east Cairo's Ain Shams district,found a 26th dynasty tomb containing the skeleton of priest Ankh- Khonsu Deirt Hur, whose...

