More on UNESCO involvement in returning artefacts

More on UNESCO involvement in returning artefacts
Nothing much new in this article, which blends the UNESCO intervention and the Hawass threat to the Fitzwilliam and Leuven stories, except for a bit at the very end which states that "Hawass has also called on UNESCO to send invitations to all the countries who have unique artifacts they want back to come to a conference in November. 'Then we can discuss together how to retrieve what we lost,' said Hawass. Dr. Moain Sadeq, director- general of the Department of Antiquities in Gaza and a participant in the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations in 1994 on archeological issues, told the Post he believed the conference could help return Palestinian archeological artifacts".

- Repatriation: More Re Rosetta
Daily Times, Pakistan Egypt will host a conference in April for countries demanding the return of their antiquities, stolen but on display in museums round the world, Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities said. The conference will “discuss the question...

- Repatriation: More Re Cairo Conference On Stolen Antiquities
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- 7 Convicted In Antiquities Smuggling Trial "The former director of a national antiquities department was among three men sentenced to life in prison Saturday, after being convicted in a scam that smuggled thousands...

- Early Dynastic Contact
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- The Papyrus Path
An article on Jewish temples in ancient Egypt.

