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What's New in Papyrology

Persumably if you are interested in papyrology then you'l already have this blog book-marked, but if not, have a look at the site, together with its latest list of online papyri.

- Insights From Papyrus Research
Science Daily A University of Cincinnati-based journal devoted to research on papyri is due out Nov. 1. That research sheds light on an ancient world with surprisingly modern concerns: including hoped-for medical cures, religious confusion and the need...

- New Book: The Language Of The Papyri
Oxford University Press The Language of the Papyri Edited by T. V. Evans and D. D. Obbink The modern rediscovery of the Greek and Latin papyri from Egypt has transformed our knowledge of the ancient world. We cannot, however, make the same claim in the...

- New Book: The Oxford Handbook Of Papyrology
What's New In Papyrology By Roger Bagnall Description Thousands of texts, written over a period of three thousand years on papyri and potsherds, in Egyptian, Greek, Latin, Aramaic, Hebrew, Persian, and other languages, have transformed our knowledge...

- Egypt-themed Reviews In Jra 20
What's New in Papyrology? The What's New In Papyrology? blog has pulled out some Egypt-focused reviews in the latest edition of the Journal of Roman Archaeology, and these can be seen at the above page. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Bulletin Of The American Society Of Papyrologists Online The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists is now available online: "The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists has been the official journal of the American Society of Papyrologists since the publication...

