More re attempts to identify Tuthmosis I using DNA

More re attempts to identify Tuthmosis I using DNA

Suite 101 (Stan Parchin)

Stan Parchin has brought together the various threads of this story and presented them as a summary in the following update.

Scholars at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo are using state-of-the-art technology to determine if a mummy is that of Pharaoh Thutmose I.

Zahi Hawass, Egypt's Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities and chief archaeologist, revealed to the Middle East News Agency on May 29, 2008 his plans for subjecting a 3,500-year-old mummy to DNA and other testing at Cairo's Egyptian Museum. He hopes to determine if the remains he's chosen to study are indeed those of Pharaoh Thutmose I (r. 1504-1492 B.C.). Dr. Hawass is also Director of Excavations at the Giza Pyramids, Saqqara and Bahariya Oasis.

A mummy in the Egyptian Museum has for many years been thought to be that of the New Kingdom ruler. Hawass disputes the body's accepted identity.

See the above page for the full story.

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