More re feasibility study for Underwater Museum

More re feasibility study for Underwater Museum

Further to Ben's post on this topic, Zahi Hawass's website has been updated with a page of photographs and images devoted to the same subject.

- Updated
The website, which hosts pages for Zahi Hawass, has been updated with three new posts which, though very brief, are accompanied by some excellent photographs: First Intermediate Period Discovery at Ehnasya El-MedinaNew discovery in SaqqaraNew...

- Repeat: Secrets Of The Valley Of The Kings Over the last week or so I have received quite a large number of emails (with my thanks) bringing my attention to the above page. I originally posted a link to it on May 7th, but it seems that many people missed it, so here it is again....

- Photographs From New Middle Kingdom Tomb The pages that Zahi Hawass hosts on the above site have been udpated with three photographs of the recently discovered 11th Dynasty tomb of Iker. The photographs have been shown elsewhere, but these are slightly larger versions. Egyptology...

- Hatshepsut Movie - Feasibility Study The Egyptian State Information Service has posted an item about an international finance company doing a feasibility study re the life of Hatshepsut. The article talks about what the feasibility study...

- Dr. Hawass On Tutankhamun's Move
I almost did not bother with this one except that Dr. Hawass is the big guy on the subject , so here it is with no photographs. The article is a bit of a linguistic nightmare.

