More re Fort Tharo discovery, Sinai

More re Fort Tharo discovery, Sinai

All Headline News

A few additional details that weren't covered in yesterday's posts are provided in the following post:

Egyptian Culture Minister Farouk Hosni announced the discovery of a military fortress belonging to the 19th dynasty in Tal Hebwa, 1.8 miles east of the Suez Canal. The huge defense fortress was built to ensure the delta entrance and to protect the capital built by the ancient king Ramses the second.

The fortress is 500 meters long, 250 meters wide with 13-meter thick walls. The fort has a 12-meter southern entrance. The water canal that surrounds the fort was found as well. The Supreme Council of Antiquities found the monument as part of its plan to discover the military path that extends from Egypt to Palestinian lands through the northern parts of Sinai. Some human and horse skeletal remains were found indicating that battles went on around the fortress.

Experts said that this fort is considered to be the largest fortress found yet, with 24 defense towers 20-meters wide and four meters thick.

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