More re Manchester Museum decision to cover mummies

More re Manchester Museum decision to cover mummies

Egypt at the Manchester Museum

A new post on the Manchester Museum weblog has provided an update about the next steps that the museum's management are planning to take:

The Director of the Manchester Museum, Nick Merriman, at the staff Director’s Update in the Museum this morning in the Museum, reported on the ongoing response to the covering of the three unwrapped or partially unwrapped mummies on the gallery. The response to the covering, on the gallery comment cards, in the media and on this blog, will be taken on board and the Museum will shortly decide its next step in relation to the display of these mummies. The covering of the mummies had been intended to stimulate the debate and discussion surrounding the display of human remains, and in this it has been very successful.

In response to Peter Robinson’s request for further information on the response to the covering of the mummies, the information will be fed into a consultation report which should be available towards the end of the year. The report will be made publicly available.

All developments will be posted on this blog for further discussion. Many thanks to all of you who have contributed so far, your comments have been very welcome, interesting and useful.

If you have somehow managed to miss the debate, the original post to the Manchester Museum blog, and the 144 comments made in response to it to date, can be found at:

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