More re Natacha Rambova archive

More re Natacha Rambova archive

Yale Daily News (Charlotte Wang)

The recently acquired collection from the research of silent film star turned Egyptologist Natacha Rambova will pave the way for new research, John Darnell, Yale professor of Egyptology, said Monday.

More than 40 people gathered in the lecture hall of Sterling Memorial Library to hear Darnell discuss more than 10,000 items that comprise the new Egyptological archive, which includes photos, comparative files, images and diagrams. In his lecture, Darnell explained the meaning of the historical archive, which was donated in 2007 by Edward Ochsenschlageron behalf of New York University professor Donald Hansen. The documents are miniature depictions of the upper world, lower world and the cosmic cycle, Darnell said.

These collections will, for the first time, publicize the impressive work Rambova conducted in her career, Colleen Manassa, an assistant professor in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, said.

“Natasha Rambova, in addition to being a set designer, dancer, was also a photographer and a scholar in Egyptology and her work specifically focused on symbolism and theology,” Manassa said. “Although a lot of Egyptologists look at her work, it is underappreciated and we are trying to bring her work to the forefront.”

The collection of documents, which displays Rambova’s innovative approach, provides a framework to do new research, Darnell said.

See the above page for the full story.

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