More re new disoveries at Luxor Temple

More re new disoveries at Luxor Temple

Egypt State Information Service

Culture Minister Farouk Hosni has announced the discovery of columns, stepping stones and inscriptions of the Luxor Temple inside the Abul Haggag Al-Oksori mosque.

Hosni said archaeologists happened on the finding as they were restoring the mosque, which were burnt recently.

Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities Zahi Hawwas said the artifacts date back to the era of King Ramses II.

The inscriptions and drawings included one featuring King Ramses II presenting two obelisks to god Amon.

India eNews

SCA secretary general Zahi Hawas confirmed that the newly discovered collection, which revealed an important part of the history of Luxor Temple, dates back to the reign of King Ramses II in the nineteenth Dynasty from 1,304 B.C. to 1,237 B.C.

According to the SCA statement, among the most important reliefs were those featuring Ramses II while offering god Amun Re'two obelisks to be installed at the temples front facade, one of which is now at the Place de la Concorde in Paris.

Another relief shows three statues of Ramses II wearing his formal suit and white crown, while the other one shows a type of ancient Egyptian writing known as iconography.

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