More re Putman Museum mummies

More re Putman Museum mummies

Quad-Cities Online (Anthony Watt)

How they died is still a mystery, but examinations of the two mummies at the Putnam Museum have revealed some of their secrets. The mummies, long-time attractions at the Davenport museum, were CT scanned and X-rayed Aug. 21 at Genesis Medical Center's west campus to find out more about them.

It is unlikely a cause of death will be discovered, said Eunice Schlichting and Christina Kastell, Putnam curators. It is hard to find clues in the soft tissues of a mummy, they said. And the Putnam mummies have no damage to their skeletons that could be attributed to something that happened when they were alive.

"I don't think it's probably likely that we will discover it (how they died)," said Ms. Schlichting. But the scans at Genesis did show the female, possibly named Isis Neferit, may still have her heart, while showing her male counterpart, whose name is not known, was not pillaged by thieves.

See the above page, which includes some fascinating scan images.

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