More re Qurna relocation

More re Qurna relocation
The Qurna issue just isn't going away: "The families have been resettled in a nearby new town with running water and telephones. But 80 are holding out, saying they want more from a government that has been reluctant to use brute force. The standoff in Gurna, near the Valley of the Kings, illustrates the challenges facing an authoritarian government that for decades imposed its will on the people. . . . In Gurna - which sits on tombs that date back 3,500 years - much of the familiar tableau of village life has been razed into piles of mud brick rubble. Egyptian officials say that in Gurna they will finish the task because science and decency are on their side. Under the plan, every married man receives a two-bedroom house in what is known as New Gurna. But opponents are pressing for one house for every son."
See the above for more.

- Development: More Re Avenue Of Sphinxes In Luxor
IOL (Alexander Dziadosz) The remainder of the buried avenue will be uncovered in the next few years. "In the area that we restored, we found many sphinxes," Hawass said. "We'll be excavating the rest of the road until it can go to Karnak, and this...

- Qurna - The Undesired Tomb Dwellers In Egypt
Documentography Thanks very much to Ingeborg Waanders for this link. It is accompanied by some stunning photographs of Qurna (click on the link at the bottom of the above page to scroll through them). We are standing in the interconnecting tombs beneath...

- More Evictions At Qurna
International Herald Tribune Almost 60 mud brick houses were demolished Sunday near tombs in the ancient Egyptian city of Luxor after security forces used tear gas to force out residents, according to inhabitants. For the past half century, local authorities...

- More Re Qurna Move fairly lengthy article about the pros and cons of the decision to rehouse the residents of Qurna in order to excavate the tombs beneath their extensive village. If you usually use Firefox...

- Bulldozers Have Moved In To Demolish Houses In Qurna"Bulldozers have moved in to demolish houses in the Egyptian village of Qurna which sits on top of dozens of pharaonic tombs in Luxor. The Egyptian government is determined to move the 3,200 families of...

