More re Ramesses II hair

More re Ramesses II hair (image of the hair)
"There was excitement at the Egyptian Museum on Tuesday when dozens of Egyptian and foreign journalists and photographers crowded on the first floor to view a small plexi-glass showcase in hall number 39. In the case was a lock of hair from one of the most famous heads of all time -- that of Ramses II.
The hair is now on display along with remains of linen bandages and resin used in the mummification of the great ruler. The case also contains samples from the mummy of Ramses's son and heir, Meneptah ."

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"These objects include five samples of the ancient Egyptian royal’s hair, along with a lock of his hair and ten samples of resin from the mummies of king Ramses II and his son Merneptah as well as cuttings from the linen bandages that made up part of Ramses II’s wrappings."

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