More re Rare medical, astronomical manuscripts 'rediscovered' in Egypt

More re Rare medical, astronomical manuscripts 'rediscovered' in Egypt

Yahoo News
A few more details are provided by the following short article.

A senior official at Alexandria Library said the ancient documents were just laying forgotten in the Dar al-Kotob archives for many years, but were then "technically rediscovered" due to the efforts of the Centre for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CULTNAT).

"They are really priceless," Egyptian State Information Service quoted the official as saying.

CULTNAT chief Fathi Saleh said the medical papers give prescription of the treatment of some chronic diseases, bone fractures and bruises and lessons in body and eye anatomy.

He said the other manuscripts in the possessions of the al-Azhar Library are about astronomy and time measurement and date back to the golden years of the ancient Arab and Islamic civilizations.

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