More re the Berkshire mummy

More re the Berkshire mummy
"Pahat is missing a necklace and gold foot coverings traditionally buried with a deceased priest.
But what is more fascinating is what Pahat is not missing — his organs. Many mummies' organs are removed and buried with the body in canopic jars. Research, however, suggests that some of Pahat's insides are still within him."
There are two photos on the page showing conservation work being carried out on Pahat by Dena Cirpili, of Objects Conservation Services in Buffalo, N.Y., and at the bottom of the page there is a slide show which shows six more photographs. The CT scan is due to be carried out on Monday June 4th, after which more information should be available.

- Mummy Gets High-tech Treatment At Bmc
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- Pharaonic Brain Drain Bed
Egypt Daily Star News With photo. Egyptian antiquities authorities on Thursday revealed an ancient Pharaonic embalming bed unearthed from a mysterious tomb near Luxor used to prepare bodies for mummification more than 3,000 years ago. The wooden bed was...

- Berkshire Museum Puts A Face On Its Mummy
Berkshire Eagle (Jenn Smith) The mummy has returned. And he has new tales to tell. One of the county's most beloved relics — the nearly 2,300-year-old corpse of the ancient priest Pahat — is back on view at the Berkshire Museum's recently...

- Berkshire Museum Mummy Undergoes A Ct Scan A follow up on the story of the Berkshire (U.S.) mummy that was being prepared for a CT scan a few weeks ago. The mummy has now been scanned as part of the Akhmim Mummy Studies Consortium (AMSC)...

- Check Up For Shep-en-min
Vassar's mummy has received its turn in the C.T. scan. The mummy as indicated by the name of the God "Min" is from the Akmim area of Egypt. Happily he is the son of another well known mummy that of Pahat.

