More re the mudbrick wall at the site of the Sphinx

More re the mudbrick wall at the site of the Sphinx

Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref)

Egyptian archaeologists from the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) working in front of the valley temple of King Khafre on the Giza plateau are currently occupied brushing the sand off a newly-discovered mudbrick wall dating from shortly before Pharaoh Tuthmosis IV came to the throne (ca. 1398-1388 BC). The wall is in two parts: the first part is 75cm high and stretches for 86m from north to south along the eastern side of Khafre's valley temple and the Sphinx, while the second part is 90cm high and is located in the area north of the valley temple. This section is 46m long and runs from east to west along the perimeter of the valley temple area. The two parts of the wall converge at the south-east corner of the excavation area.

Zahi Hawass, secretary-general of the SCA, explained that initial studies carried out at the site show that the newly- discovered wall is a part of a larger wall found to the north of the Sphinx. This wall was constructed by Pharaoh Tuthmosis IV as an enclosure to protect the Sphinx from wind-blown sand.

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