More Tutankhamun

More Tutankhamun (Sun Sentinel)
Overview and visitor impressions: "Meade, like many visitors, mistakenly believed that the current show is smaller than the 70s exhibit. It's not. There were just 55 objects in the first show. This one has more than 130, but there is less emphasis on the "treasures" and more on Tut and his family". (Sun Sentinel)
A visit by the arts writer to the exhibition: " The Tut exhibit at Fort Lauderdale's Museum of Art follows this tack: Visitors enter a small foyer for a quick 90-second mini-flick introducing them to the show. A soundtrack of soft chanting and bells is heard. The initial gallery, "Egypt Before Tut," offers statues of lioness and serpent goddesses, ancient model boats set against a wallpapered backdrop of dunes and rivers and the green scrub that fringes Egypt's deserts. The spell is cast, but its force doesn't take hold until one arrives at the entrance to the underworld. Yes, it sounds dramatic, and it most certainly is". (Palm Beach Post)
Overview and visitor impressions (

- Tutankhamun Final Weekend release announcing extended opening hours for the Tutankhamun exhibition at Fort Lauderdale: "The touring exhibition, Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs will extend its hours of operation...

- Tutankhamun Queues (Sun Sentinel)Articles about visitor complaints re the Fort Lauderdale exhibition: " After months of planning, assemblage and a media blitz fit for a king, Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharoahs ticked past the 125,000...

- Well It Wouldn't Be Christmas Without Tutankhamun . . .
General overview: More skin colour issues: Overview of the exhibition and...

- More On Tutankhamun At Fort Lauderdale - Palm Beach Post - Orlando Sentinel - WGMS.comI skimmed an eye over these, and couldn't see anything new in them, but I've posted the URLs in case anyone is keeping track...

- Tutankhamun Exhibition - Pre-december Rush,0,991592.story?coll=sfla-news-palm "When the King Tutankhamun exhibit arrives in South Florida on Dec. 15, it is expected to lure more than 400,000 visitors to Fort Lauderdale's...

